Coach Anne-Laure

It’s time to start the new you!

Real Solutions - Drug FREE

Customized Plans for you

Recipes & Meal PLANNING

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Health & Lifestyle Counseling

I consider that every person is unique and for that reason, I will work with you to create a tailored and specific plan to ensure your success. 

Hi, There!

I’m Anne-Laure.

I am a certified health coach and wellness enthusiast who helps people regain their energy and vitality, get a better relationship with food, reduce stress, improve mood, get good sleep, and adopt a balanced lifestyle.



“I met Anne-Laure a few months ago, I had no knowledge on the things I was doing and eating in life. She introduce me to not only a healthy eating lifestyle but also to trust in God as he was guiding me and my family. I was 180 pounds when I was introduced to plant-based eating. Best decision I ever made, I now weigh 148 pounds! In just 4 months and it just keeps going down! She helped me reach my goal. Not only have I lost weight but I feel better than ever, I feel great! My energy, my mental health always feels at 100%. I am so thankful and grateful for learning so much from her. Also, I have a 3-year-old with ADHD that wasn’t verbal at all. He had multiple choking occasions, he would choke on anything he will eat. I knew something was wrong with his swallowing and his ADHD was getting worst by that time. Nothing worked until I met Anne-Laure and she suggested me to stop all dairy products. I listen and did as she told me. 3 weeks later I started seeing a magnificent change in his behavior and he wasn’t choking on his food anymore at all! My kids now eat 100% plant-based. My son is now healthy and his ADHD is GONE! He is fully potty trained and speaks in full sentences. He hasn’t choked on anything at all since we changed our diet to plant-based. I’m grateful and proud of the outcome.”

– Kathy

“Anne-Laure put me on a diet that I had never tried before! Not only it didn’t feel restrictive but it was delicious. This is a diet that you actually don’t feel on a diet lol. And it is more a life long change than a short term diet. I have lost the weight I needed to and the amazing thing is that I went off my medication I had to take for some immune system issues. My mind became also clearer and I experience less anxiety and more peace. What a blessing this change has been!

– Aldine

“In March, I became very sick, and very quickly. I experienced respiratory problems that would not want to go away. Anne-Laure took the time to explain to me what could be done to make me feel better and share with me home remedies that would improve my condition. She even made some of them such as the powerful “flu bomb”, poultices, essential oil therapy, hydrotherapy, appropriate diet, and more. I felt much better quickly and my respiratory condition went away. 

I also have been battling with extra pounds for a while and I have tried many diets that would not work. Anne-Laure put me on a diet that not only was delicious but that made me lose about 10 pounds in a week! Even if she told me to put aside some of the food I used to eat, it didn’t feel restrictive and it was enjoyable. I am thankful for her help and I praise God for his goodness and mercy toward me.”
– Kera

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© 2022 Coach Anne-Laure